List of files: Figure6_motifCounts.txt: Lists the number of motifs present in the promoters of genes shown in Figure 6 - Note that the motif counts are only listed if the P value for each motif in the relevant cluster is less than 0.00022 Figure6_motifPvals.txt: Shows the P values for each motif and gene shown in Figure 6, based on the hypergeometric distribution PAPER_0.06genelist_motifCounts.txt: Shows the number of each of 43 different motifs present in the promoters of genes assigned to all 91 centroids based on a membership cutoff of 0.06 - Note that the motif counts are only listed if the P value for each motif in the relevant cluster is less than 0.00022 PAPER_0.06genelist_motifPvals.txt: Shows the P values for each of the 43 motifs present in the promoters of genes assigned to the 91 centroids with a membership cutoff of 0.06 PAPER_0.08genelist_motifCounts.txt: Shows the number of motifs present in the promoters of genes assigned to all 91 centroids based on a membership cutoff of 0.08 - Note that the motif counts are only listed if the P value for each motif in the relevant cluster is less than 0.00022 Yeaststress_k91_0.06cutoff_geneclusters.txt: Shows the gene expression data for the genes assigned to each of the 91 centroids based on a membership cutoff of 0.06 Yeaststress_k91_0.08cutoff_geneclusters.txt: Shows the gene expression data for the genes assigned to each of the 91 centroids based on a membership cutoff of 0.08 ** October 23, 2002: corrected a minor problem with the motif counts files - for 6 of 45 motifs the counts were only scored from one strand of the promoter. The data for these motifs (including ABF1, GAL4, HAP1, LEU3, MATALPHA and RLM1) have been corrected, although they do not affect any of the results discussed in the paper.