Note: Any pCRM sequence referred to as flanked contains extra sequence flanking the pCRM itself. These were used in order to avoid spurious pairwise alignment near the edges of the pCRM.

additional figures

Binding site densities by transcription factor [pdf] (Add. file 1)
Patterned genes flanking eCIS-ANALYST predictions [pdf] (Add. file 2)
eCIS-ANALYST discrimination function [pdf] (Add. file 3)
Three novel enhancer predictions [pdf] (Add. file 4)

additional tables

37 test set enhancers 976 eCIS-ANALYST predictions Blastodermal anterior/posterior annotations (FlyBase/BDGP) [csv] [pdf] (Add. file 9)
Random sample from non-coding genome [csv]

raw data download (gzipped)

pCRM detailed annotations (XML): [37 test set, 3Mb] [976 predictions, 18Mb]
pCRM D. pseudoobscura alignments (readable): [37 test set, 5.5Mb] [976 predictions, 30Mb]
pCRM D. pseudoobscura alignments (multi fasta): [37 test set, 2.6Mb] [976 predictions, 14Mb]
pCRM sequences, unflanked (fasta): [37 test set, 60kb] [976 predictions, 670kb]
pCRM sequences, flanked (fasta): [37 test set, 2.2Mb] [976 predictions, 12Mb]

external links

Release 3 genomic sequence
D. pseudoobscura genomic assembly used