Creating the image files for each data set
A. Installing files
1. Create a subdirectory in cgi-bin called "FuzzyExplorer" with the correct permissions
> mkdir FuzzyExplorer
> chmod 755 FuzzyExplorer
2. Download and unpack the cgi-bin Package into the FuzzyExplorer directory
> tar -zxvf fuzzyX_cgi-bin.tar.gz
This will create five files and one subdirectory
>ls -l
Microarray/ # contains the program class libraries # PERL modules used by the fx program
fx* # the FuzzyExplorer executable program # Perl program to generate the initial images
sc.feature_style # a markup stylesheet for the gene annotation features
3. Edit the fx program to set the correct paths for your system (change text highlighted in orange below)
>pico fx
# at line 50
my $repository = "/YOUR_PATH/cgi-bin/FuzzyExplorer/";
my $dataset = new Microarray::dataset($name, $repository);
# create a new explorer object
my $stylesheet = "sc.feature_style";
my $explorer = new Microarray::explorer({ dataset => $dataset,
server_root => '/YOUR_PATH/html',
ht_tmp => '/FuzzyExplorer/tmp/',
img_path => '/FuzzyExplorer/images/',
stylesheet => $stylesheet
4. Create a subdirectory in html called "FuzzyExplorer". Download and unpack the html Package into the FuzzyExplorer directory
> mkdir FuzzyExplorer
> tar -zxvf fuzzyX_html.tar.gz
This will create two subdirectories
> ls
images/ # contains icon images used by fx
tmp/ # a temporary repository where fx images are dumped
Change the permissions on the tmp directory
> chmod 666 tmp
B. Creating images
The program requires three files: the complete dataset, in text tab-delimited .cdt format,
the table of the centroid gene expression patterns identified by FuzzyK, and the table of gene-centroid memberships identified by FuzzyK.
1. Create a new dataset using the program - to see the required commands, simply call the program
> perl
-file = Centroid file from FuzzyK, in .fct format
-datafile = data file in .cdt format
-membfile = membership file in .mb format
-repdir = cgi-bin repository directory
-imgdir = html image repository directory
-contrast = contrast value for the generated images
-colschem = color scheme used for generating the images, rg = red/green, yb = yellow/blue
-verbose = show feedback messages during run
2. Now call the program with the required commands (as shown here for the file FuzzyClustering_K100)
>perl -file FuzzyClustering_K100.fct -datafile YeastStressData.cdt
-membfile FuzzyClustering_K100.mb -repdir /YOUR_PATH/cgi-bin/FuzzyExplorer
-imgdir /YOUR_PATH/html/FuzzyExplorer/images/ -contrast 2 -colschem rg -verbose
3. If the program was set up correctly, it should create the required .png image files to be used by the program. If it was not set up correctly, you will get errors. Common errors: GD is not installed, the PERL libraries cannot be found by the program, the subdirectory paths in the fx program are incorrect.
4. If all went well, you should now be able to view your data over the web by typing the correct path:
5.Important Note: FuzzyExplorer writes temporary image (.png) files to the html/FuzzyExplorer/tmp directory - the files accumulated in this directory must be periodically purged to free space.
6. To change the links shown in the gene annotation field, change the sc.feature_style file accordingly.