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The gene expression data are available as text tab-delimited cluster files. These files can be viewed on IBM PC-compatible computers using Treeview, a publicly available software package written by Michael Eisen.

The data in these files represent the normalized, background-corrected log2 values of the Red/Green ratios measured on the DNA microarrays. See the companion website for each of the respective published datasets for complete details on the data.

Hierarchically clustered data:

  • Hierarchically clustered Dataset A
  • Hierarchically clustered Dataset B

    Standard k-means clustering results:

  • K-means clustering of Dataset B

    Fuzzy k-means clustering results:

  • Centroids and memberships identified using fuzzy k-means clustering of yeast genomic expression data
  • Clusters shown in Figure 4

    Promoter analysis:

  • Clustered data and motif search results from the Promoter analysis
  • List of the promoter elements and references used in promoter search